Agile WM – Securities



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Simple, smart Investment Strategies

Be confident in your financial future

Investing with Agile Securities of ACPI

At Agile Securities of ACPI we take investing seriously. Some advisory practices plunk you into some mutual funds and call it a day.  Our approach couldn’t be different. In 2008, I was listening to The Howard Stern show, and he was talking about people who had money lost with Bernie Madoff. Stern was astounded that people would take their money to someone, and they’d bring that money to Bernie Madoff to invest.  Sure, Howard Stern is a layman in this area, but that seems contrary to what most people think happens.

At Agile Securities of ACPI, this is not the case.  The funds are managed in-house, in a fully regulated and transparent manner. 

Why you need a Portfolio Manager

In Canada, most financial advisors are not bound by a fiduciary duty.  While the average person would think that their advisor would have to put their clients interests ahead of their own due to the regulations, this only exists if you’re dealing with a Portfolio Manager. A Portfolio Manager must act with care, honesty and good faith and our investment decisions must be made with the best interest of the clients as the primary consideration. Sadly, not all investment advisors act in the best interests of their clients.  Working with a fiduciary means:

          Investment products recommended are in your best interest, not the best interest of the advisor

          They have the correct credentials, licensing, and certification


          The fiduciary has a legal obligation to put your interests ahead of their own

What is good investing?

There are a lot of ways to invest, and a lot of thoughts and opinions on good strategies and procedures to make good investments. My opinions on what make good investments are simple.  The best strategies aren’t particularly exciting.  It’s a long-term process where you want to enjoy the benefit of compounding and long-term growth.  Good investing is not simple; there are all kinds of people who want to tell you that it’s easy and make it seem like you don’t need a clear and thorough process, but quite frankly those people are wrong.  Good investing requires a lot of thought, and not just quick decisions based on little considerations.

To perform well in the investing world, you must have different views than the consensus. The idea that “if you do whatever everyone else does, you get the same results” applies in the investing world more than anywhere else. If everyone expects that a company or sector is going to do extremely well and it does, you get the exact same result as they do by investing there. To outperform them, you must be willing to have differing views, act upon those views and be right.  That’s far from easy, which tells you all you need to know about the groups putting forward how simple it is to invest effectively.


Above all, good investing is about a solid and thorough investing process. While it’s true that investing is as much an art as it is a science, you need to understand the fundamentals and be able to apply those correctly.

The Orion Fund

The Orion Fund is a professional managed equity mandate offered exclusively to clients of Aligned Capital Partners Inc. The investment decisions and strategies for this mandate are made by Victor Lough as the sub-advisor.  The fund has holdings in both Canada and the US and the fund mandate is designed so that this holds enough diversity to be used as a standalone holding for an account.

The Portfolio Manager and Agile Securities of ACPI make every effort to conduct thorough financial analysis, as well as factoring in geo-political and macro-economic themes of the day. The fund is not purely contrarian, but it does hold out of favour sectors and industries. At times, this contrarian approach will mean a significant weighting in what could be seen as opposite ends of the spectrum (cash or near cash when the markets appear to have hit a peak, or entirely growth-oriented equities when a sharp decline has taken place, for example). 

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